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Writer's pictureLeslie Nydick

Change the Channel

You send a well written text, and the response is a string of irate messages.

You send a clear and concise email, and you receive an angry response that is longer than a novel.

We have all had that happen. Our intended messages are not always received as intended. Sending texts, emails or the like are an effective way to miscommunicate how you feel and to misinterpret what other people mean. The voice in our head doesn't end up being heard when the receiver reads it in written form.

What to do?

First, be aware that this miscommunication may happen.

Second, if you receive a response that is angry when you didn't intend that, then PAUSE.

Third, think about how you can disrupt what is likely to become a cycle of defending and attacking.

THEN, change the "channel" of communication.

Walk over to see the person.

Pick up the phone.

Leave a voice note.

You might say: when I wrote my message, this is how my voice and words sounded, and that obviously didn't come across in my written message. Let's restart the conversation voice to voice.

There are many times when these rounds of texts and emails cause much frustration. Stop the cycle with a pause.

THEN, change the channel.



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